A SUPERHOT SAUCE FOR BERLIN by Crazy Bastard Sauce & Chili Punk Berlin
We want to make a local hot sauce for Berlin, made in Berlin and from ingredients grown in Berlin. The city has many allotments, urban farms and gardens which can supply us with great ingredients like apples, pumpkins, onions and even sweet peppers and chilis.
But we need something hotter than the average chili. We want to work with some of the world’s hottest chilies, 100% grown in Berlin – that’s why we need YOU!
Many of our customers are also chili lovers and hobby gardeners, with years of experience of growing chilis on their balconies, in their apartments or in their gardens and allotments (if they are lucky enough to have them), so we want to ask for your help to grow superhot chilis in Berlin for 2021.

A Superhot chili is any type of chili pepper that is typically rated at 1 million Scoville or higher. It starts with the famous Ghost Pepper, also known as the Bhut Jolokia, and it goes all the way up to about 2 million Scoville with chilis such as the 7 Pot brain strain, the Trinidad Scorpion and the world record holder Carolina Reaper. There may be even hotter hybrid chilis out there.
This year for the project we are taking chilis from 500,000 SHU+ for the sauce.
If you’re not sure about the Scoville rating of your chili just look it up on Wikipedia, most of the common ones are listed on there. If you can’t find it on Wikipedia just take a big bite of the chili, and if you have a near death experience it’s probably a Superhot.
Live plants, Seeds & Grow kits for superhot chilis are available now with full support, live plants can be collected in Berlin around May, CLICK HERE, or you can head out to our greenhouse between 2pm – 6pm every day, more information CLICK HERE
ALSO, it’s NOT ESSENTIAL TO BUY THE CHILI PLANTS FROM US TO BE INVOLVED, as long as they are 500,000 SHU+ and grown in Berlin, this project is really about community and local food production.
Also check out our guide to growing chilis from seed CLICK HERE
We do not send young plants in the post. They get damaged, but we are happy to drop them off to you, or meet you in Berlin.
Join the Facebook group Berlin Chili Growers Group – This is a space for chili growers to ask questions, give tips, share progress and connect with the wider Berlin chili growing community. There are also some very experienced growers in that group who will be happy to help out if you have any problems or questions.

You grow superhot chilis on your balcony, in your garden, on your allotment or anywhere you can grow them. We buy the chilis from you and turn them into BERLIN SUPERHOT Sauce.
- It must be a Superhot Chili (see below)
- It must be grown by you
- It must be grown within 50km of our store on Weserstrasse
- It must be free from pesticides
We will buy any superhot chilis up to 2kg from you, at a price of €20 per kilo. Anything more than 2kg please check with us in advance.
Alternatively, you can take a voucher for our products for a value of €30 per kg of chili.
We will add your name to the list of contributing chili growers on this page (if you want)
As a contributor, you will also be invited to the Berlin Chili Fest in late September 2021, which will feature performances by local comedians and the launch of the BERLIN SUPERHOT sauce.