TYPE: Carolina Reaper Seedling Live Plant
SPECIES: Capsicum Chinense
SCOVILLE SCALE (approx): 2.2 million
The world’s “official” hottest chili pepper.
We recommend putting it into at least a 40cm+ plant pot and placed in direct sunlight, the bigger the pot and the more sunlight the more fruit you will get, Chili plants also like a bit of a breeze, it helps them grow strong.
Do not overwater or underwater.
It can be planted in a pot outside in the spring (after the last frost), or grown in a pot on a balcony or indoors on a window sill.
Any questions please check out the “Berlin Chili Growers Group” on Facebook, or contact me directly.
Keith T. –
Got no fruit from the plant this year, but I’m going to over winter it and see how it goes next year.
Anonymous –
Lorenz Bessenyei –
The plant grew very good, I harvested a few super hot chili fruits.
Only downer: I had to fight lice. I went out to catch some ladybugs which proved effective in reducing lice numbers, but I could not get totally rid of them.
Torsten –
the plant didn’t had as many chili pods as expexted and the few which turned red weren’t super hot.