TYPE: Black Scorpion Tongue Chili
SPECIES: Capsicum annuum
SCOVILLE SCALE (approx): 100,000 SHU
Unknown Origins
This is an amazingly unique, rare and beautifully patterned chili with amazing color changes throughout the season, from a deep purple, yellow, orange, red, with their ripe color a deep red.
The fruit is really tasty, sweet, and salty crisp apple tones would work great in salsa.
Striking deep purple leaves and the plant will grow great in a pot to about 3 feet tall with an abundance of fruit.
Days till fruit: 90-120 Days
Try to maintain a constant temperature of 28 – 32 degrees for good germination.
Be careful when handling the seeds and the fruit, don’t touch your eyes or other sensitive bits!!
Stefan S. –