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Chilis in a Can : Choose your own Variety’s of Chili seeds, Grow your own Seed Starter Kit : Just Add Water

(2 customer reviews)


Chilis in a Can : Choose your own Variety’s of Chili seeds, Grow your own Seed Starter Kit : Just Add Water

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Chilis in a Can : Choose your own Variety’s of Chili seeds, Grow your own Seed Starter Kit : Just Add Water

Truly the simplest way to get started growing chilis, we use high quality 100% organic seeds, the container contains all nutrients and everything the seeds need to get started, just open the top with the ring pull, remove the drainage sticker, place on a saucer (or something dish like to catch the excess water) and add water until the substrate is damp (not soaking) and leave in a warm sunny space, and don’t let the substrate dry out (this will kill the seeds)

Germination should take 7 – 20 days, you can speed up the process by covering the top of the can with a recycled plastic bag (like a greenhouse) to hold in the moisture, check daily, a good trick is to learn the weight of the can, to tell how much water is in it.

Once the seedlings reach about 10cm, they will need to be repotted into bigger pots, the seedlings will happily grow outside after the last frost (around May in Berlin), but chili plants won’t survive the winter outside and need to be brought into the house.

any problems, I’m happy to help

2 reviews for Chilis in a Can : Choose your own Variety’s of Chili seeds, Grow your own Seed Starter Kit : Just Add Water

  1. Edda T.

  2. Bruno Vunderl

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